Monday, October 24, 2011


I wrote this poem/spoken word after feeling a bit frustrated with how people don't seem to treat words with the power that they have and I've often been annoyed by the saying I grew up hearing about "sticks and stones..."

You may have heard this saying
"Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will never hurt me"
But you see
I disagree
In fact, I highly disagree
Let me take you on an adventure in your mind
Lets travel back in time
Imagine a streamline of memories
No doubt, some will be bad
Whether you felt mad or sad,
Hurtful memories abound
Now lets add sound to this round of thoughts
What do you hear?
Merely joy and praise
Well, that would amaze me
If you are human, as we all are
You are probably scarred
By something someone said
As if engraved in your head
Words have power
And it is in our control
To either destroy or console
To create or with hold
Life or death
You have that power
And it is our choice
To abide by either
The age old lie
Or how about this reply
"Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words forever shape me"
Like when you try and box me in
And then look me square in the eyes
Saying all those lies
Sometimes you have a round about way
To convey, you care
Oh how words can tear apart
Our heart
But you are not the only one who shapes me
I can reframe all those negative names
And hear my God saying who I really am
Which is the opposite of what you claim to be true
God can take all the scars from being marred
And use each jagged line to convey a person that shines
A shape that is defined
By words of praise, love, and grace
A concept hard to embrace
But lets face it
"Sticks and stones may break our bones,
but words forever shape us"
The question is, which shape will we be
And which shape will we cause others to be
Cuz remember
The power to create and recreate is within thee