Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Growing up, I've heard my father say many times "This is life giving!" with his Ricky Ricardo Spanish accent. He would say it any time it rained, he was in nature, or all the family was together etc. So I've wondered about the definition of life and what it means to be pro-life (a very contraversial term).
For me, I don't think I experienced real life until I became a Christian. I was really a walking dead person. So what was it that gave me life. I think knowing there was a God who deeply loved me, experiencing hope, answered prayer, and the Holy Spirit. People investing in my life: shepherding me, teaching me basic life skills such as money management, how to study in college, how to cook, conflict resolution, family reconciliation, forgiveness. People helping me when money was tight: offering me clothes, furniture, or providing me with dinner. The government giving me loans and financial aid so I could afford school, housing, and bills. People praying for me and giving me advice when I didn't know what to do. People showing me how to do a resume, what to say and not to say in an interview...the list goes on.
So I have begun to wonder if hypothetically the law changes and abortion becomes illegal, will the babies really be born into life or will they be born into a dead world with walking dead people. As Shane Claiborne put it "Life does not begin at conception and end at birth." That's not to say they should not be given a chance, that I'm against there being a law against it, or that God can't redeem any situation. But I've had to re-evaluate what I mean when I say pro-life. I've realized that I have to be careful of a single issue becoming an idol in my life and therefore, neglecting so many other issues that also constitute life. Not that I don't care and pray about the abortion law. But I need to be weary of it becoming an idol and paralyzing me from bringing life in so many other ways to not only the unborn, but to those that are already "living".

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