Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Sweetest Job Ever

The other day after coming home from a day at Universal Studios with some kids from my work, I started to reflect on why my job is the sweetest job ever. If it weren't for all my challenging jobs then I don't think I'd appreciate this one as much. Something as simple as a lunch break means so much to me. Here's my list that actually could be longer, but I didn't want to really bore anyone:

-I get to create my schedule
-I get to work "normal" hours (9-5)
-If Iwant to sleep in a day or two I can (as long as I work 40 hours a week)
-I get a lunch break
-My lunch break can be as short or as long as I want it (as long as I work 40 hours a week)
-If I'm tired, I can take a break (even a quick nap without being disturbed)
-I get to play lots of games (uno, chess, connect four, chuttes and ladders etc)
-I get to go fun places (Universal Studios, the beach, the movies, Jamba Juice etc) for free
-I get paid when I go on vacation
-I can take one day off every two weeks (as long as I work 80 hours in two weeks)
-Everyday is different
-I can make personal phone calls without getting yelled at
-I get to dress casually and choose my own outfits
-I don't have to sit or stand all the time
-I get to speak Spanish
-I get to help ADHD kids learn impulse control
-I get to help kids learn anger management
-I get to see the fruit of my labor
-I get good health insurance
-I get some holidays off
-I get to help people access resources and navigate difficult life circumstances
-I get paid enough that I don't live beyond my means
-I actually like my supervisors and co-workers (although my supervisor just put in his two weeks notice-very sad )
-My birthday is actually recognized and celebrated
-I can leave work early if I want to (as long as I work 40 hours a week)
-I get to be a part of breaking generational cycles (such as helping a high schooler graduate)
-I'm treated as a person with a personality and opionions/input that matters (not a robot)
-I get food for free at times (believe it or not when I worked in the food industry I was a lot less likely to get free food. It's considered employee theft.)
-My mental health matters to my supervisors and is actually taken into consideration (I'm not expected to be super women and pretend everything is okay when it's not)
-My co-workers are people that care about people and go out of their way at times for each other instead of taking advantage of peoples kindness
-I get to listen to my music sometimes
-I get to be indoors and outdoors
-I actually like promoting our services unlike when I worked at a restaurant and fast food joint
-I get to help people learn healthy habits

When I went to college, there were a lot of people that wanted a job where they could make a lot of money. I just wanted a job where I would be happy, but I was skeptical of this actually being possible. A lot of people warned me of going into the field I chose (Social Work) because they say it's hard, people get burned out, and you don't make much money. Now I'm glad I didn't listen to other people, but listened to God and pursued the things that make me happiest which is helping other people. This organization is good about protecting people from burn out and the money is better than I thought. I don't know about my future, but I trust God.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

yay...soooo happy :-)