Friday, November 28, 2008

Life Quotes

I was reflecting on all the quotes that have come up several times in my life and thought I'd share a list of some:
  • If there is a will there is a way -my dad
  • You have to learn to delegate -my dad
  • Simba, you deliberately disobeyed me - Lion King
  • It's not either/or it's and/both - Michele Blanton
  • There are no great acts, only small acts done with great love - Mother Theresa
  • We have to learn to disagree well - Shane Claiborne
  • If life gives you lime, make limeade - my dad
  • It's not right or wrong, it's just different - STIM
  • Is what I'm doing, thinking or saying building trust or undermining trust? - STIM
  • It's not what you do first, but what you do next - STIM
  • Two wrongs don't make a right - don't know
  • Treat others as you'd want to be treated - golden rule
  • You'll never know until you try - my sister Mari
  • Si se puede - soccer team
  • You have to listen and obey - Elena and Steve
  • Don't give up - my dad's co-worker
  • Do not pass the buck - my dad
  • This is life giving - my dad
  • This is like music to my ears - my dad
  • Don't worry, be happy - Lion King, Bob Marley and my dad

Do you have any quotes that have come up a lot in your life?

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