Saturday, September 12, 2009


When I was a sophomore in college, God put it on my heart to move to the city and live incarnationally among the poor and marginalized. While in college, I tried to be involved in city stuff but I lived 30 - 45 minutes outside the city and had too many other commitments including graduating from college. So I tried to care for students in my college coming from poorer backgrounds instead. After I graduated, I knew it wasn't a wise move to live by myself in the city. I didn't know anyone to model it for me nor that would be willing to join me. So I felt led by God to join Servant Partners thinking I'd finally be able to do what I wanted to do for the 3 years prior. But I was wrong. I ended up living on the corner of two main streets, not in a neighborhood, on church property, and surrounded by church members and seminary students for the majority of my stay. What the heck, God! Not only that, but the internship was so heavy on the studying scripture end that even if I had time to invest in any kind of neighborhood ministry I was too tired. I was expecting to be challenged in caring for the poor in my neighborhood, but instead I was challenged in how long I can engage in scripture study before I was spent and how many books I can read.

FINALLY, I will be moving into a neighborhood and I will be able to do what I've been wanting to do for the last 5 years now. Wow, was that a journey to get to. As I talked to a friend about our housing situation, I found out they had been looking for better housing for us for 6 months and that was our only option. The frustrating part was that housing opened up in the neighborhood a week after we signed the contract. I'm excited that I'm finally able to move into the neighborhood if all goes well. But I'm still asking God what to do with the last two years and how long it took me to get here.

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