Saturday, August 8, 2009

Storing up Treasures in Heaven

I'm rewinding to before I left for Mexico. Northwest Neighbors, an organization that does bible study for at-risk youth in the neighborhood, had a volunteer appreciation night. To my surprise, they were actually honoring the work I had done with them over the two past years. So each of the youth I invested in shared about why they appreciate me. I knew they appreciated me, but I didn't know just how much. Some of the comments that stuck out to me was that one of them really appreciated my insights in bible study and always wanted to hear what I had to say. One of the other girls commented on how I was the only positive role model for a friend that she has. She also affirmed me in that I am not afraid to be myself.

It was cool to hear from them that the time I was investing in them was making a difference in their lives. It reminded me of the scripture that talks about storing up treasures in heaven instead of treasures on earth. It reaffirmed my decision to move into this neighborhood and give up all the "things" I could have such as a really nice home, really nice car, in a really nice neighborhood. The treasures in heaven I am storing up feel so much more rewarding and worth it than those on earth.

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