Monday, August 3, 2009

My Personal Mission Statement

When I was in Mexico City, the team leader for Servant Partners had us write a personal mission statement. It may evolve over time, but this is what I have for now. I'm not sure if it's grammatically correct:

To usher in Shalom efficiently and expediently in my life, family, community, city, nation, and world through being a bridge, using my voice, confronting powers, empowering others with and using my life experiences, ethnic upbringing, power, natural abilities, spiritual gifts, lengual abilities, knowledge, privilege, resources, and connections to benefit, love, serve, and uplift "the least of these", fighting injustice, complacency, apathy, silence, and settling, being an agent of change in society, not limiting myself nor God, periodically reminding myself of those lesser and presenting myself before the Lord open to change and redirection, believing God (with the help of people) can change people, powers, and systems, not limiting myself to any geographical setting, not being afraid to take risks, obeying God, living simply, and upholding Kingdom values in my life, being a vessel and bearer of truth, and above all else seeking to love the Lord, my God, with all my heart, soul, strength, and might and love my neighbor as myself.

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